Nigel was approached for ideas to include in a local fun charity day.
This method is quick & easy to arrange as we’ve done them before. A simple area marked out with posts & tape add a couple of bales of best English straw spread around the enclosure, add a liberal sprinkling of chocolate gold coins and then let the kids find them, no digging required.
The upshot was a great day out in the very welcome sunshine with loads of kids & a few adults (just helping honest guv) great fun, loads of interest, even a couple of detectorists came over to see what was happening.
Four things we learnt from this:
- Children lie through their teeth when it comes to chocolate.
- You need at least 5 coins per child otherwise they won’t give up.
- Chocolate gold coins & sunshine don’t mix.
- It takes ages to remove chocolate residue from detector handles.
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