
Cleaning your finds


The barrelling kit is a great accessory to clean some of your finds. It gives perfect results every time.

before-after-barrelling-coin-cleaningBarrelling machine can be used for cleaning and polishing certain kinds of metal, stone and plastics. Partially fill the drum with steel shapes in the soap solution provided. Then add the objects to be cleaned and rotate for a period of time.

after-and-after-barrellingThe machine can give a variety of finishes including matt and polished and can be used to remove sharp edges and scratches.

cleaned-with-barrelling-kitThis is a very harsh method of cleaning and is generally used for solid copper-alloy objects such as recent coinage or modern badges etc.

barrelling-cleanedDo not use on items that are plated, enamelled or have stones in them as this will be removed.

barrelling-kit-inside This 3lb barrelling machine is manufactured in the UK, is fully quality tested for optimum performance. Additional barrels, accessories and parts are available.

Barrelling Kit, complete with steel shapes, soap and full instructions.

Dimensions: Barrel – 11.5cm diameter x 14cm width, Machine – 21cm x 13cm x 13cm.

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