KMMDC had a successful rally on the 18th of October near Uttoxeter, Staffordshire. It was a very good and enjoyable day, in fact so good we’ve decided to search the remaining fields (about 20 acres) on this Farm on Sunday the 9th of November 2014.
The following items were found by our members:
1. Louis XIII Quarter Ecu silver coin dated 1642 *
2. Shoe buckle (possibly 17 – 18 century), Denstone College Cap badge and decorated lead object (possibly Roman)
3. Child’s lead alphabet tablet possible date range 1500 – 1700 *, possible very worn Roman coin, various George I – III and Victorian coins (very worn, so dates can’t be read)
4. 1792 token, with a horse one side and a shield on the other and possible spindle whorl, Victorian Penny and halfpenny
5. Elizabeth 1 hammered groat, date is either 1560 or 1569 *, military button (maybe George V) and decorated button (with possible dragon figure)
6. Possible very worn Roman coin (photo not included)
* – to be reported to the Finds Liaison Officer, Birmingham Museum
As well as these specific finds we found about a dozen musket/pistol balls (possibly civil war era), and about a dozen very worn Georgian and Victorian Pennies and halfpennies