Most detectors are suitable for inland & dry sand detecting, the only exceptions would be Pulse Induction detectors, whilst quite happy working on this type of area they do not possess any form of discrimination to reject ferrous objects, making them very hard work indeed.
When you first get your new detector read the manufacturers instructions carefully also any supplementary instructions that have been supplied with your model (Regton supplies these with quite a few models).
Make sure your batteries are either charged or up to the correct power, we find that most operational problems are associated with batteries than anything else. The best place to try your machine first of all is inside your house with the machine on a table or chair with the search head overhanging the edge and away from the floor. You can now practice changing the various controls and becoming accustomed to the layout of your detector. At this point do not start experimenting with maximum depths and turning everything up to full, as in reality these settings will not be used in the field and you will make the machine unstable.
Your first outing will probably be your back garden, a good place to start and often you will be surprised what has been lost there. As you move further afield you will be looking for permission from farmers, landowners, friends, and family before venturing onto their property.
Fields fall into two categories, ploughed and pasture, the former is usually more productive as the older items of interest have been brought to the surface by the plough whereas the pasture tends to keep its secrets hidden, often out of reach of even the best detectors. On pasture it’s worth trying all metal mode to pick up everything, this is usually a slightly deeper mode to detect in, all be it a little slow sometimes.
This brings us onto the next subject, research, the dreaded homework, but this can be fun if you go about it the right way. First stop is the local library to find old maps and documents relating to the area you are detecting, when you compare these old maps with modern maps you will find many clues to abandoned buildings, forgotten villages and re-routed roads many of which have many lost or even discarded objects just waiting to be found.
There are many guides available now to help you understand how to obtain permission. Remember the person you are asking probably doesn’t understand that we are only finding objects from the first 12 inches or so and digging with a trowel, he may be thinking in feet and have visions of you using a huge spade. Take time to understand how farmers can be invaluable when you are the umpteenth ‘townie’ to ask permission this week. Being able to correctly recognise his winter wheat from his corn crop will make him feel he is talking to a like-minded person who appreciates the countryside and knows how to look after the land, after all it’s his livelihood you are asking to walk over.
If you are thinking of detecting along bridleways or public footpaths, as a mater of courtesy try and find the landowner to ask permission, this can often give you the perfect opportunity to ask about the area and may well lead to other interesting sites.