Treasure hunters find coins, rings at Pismo Beach after fireworks


By Nancy Chen,, Published Tuesday July 5th 2011

Nancy Chen reports how Mr Gil Rivera and a team of metal detectors sifted the sand of Pismo beach, after a fireworks event, to find lost treasure.

“As tens of thousands of people left local beaches after fireworks shows Monday night, a whole new crowd headed the opposite direction.”

Click to link below to read the full article


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Metal-detector rookie set for £460,000

The Independent, Published Friday 15th October 2010

The Independent reported how a fledgling detectorist found artefacts of probable worth of up to £460,000. The find consists of two ribbon torcs – a local style of jewellery made from a twisted ribbon of gold – half an ornate torc of southern French origin, and a unique braided gold wire torc which shows strong influences of Mediterranean craftsmanship.

“A first-time metal-detecting enthusiast who discovered a hoard of Iron Age gold in a field could be in for a £460,000 windfall, officials confirmed today.”


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Roman silver coins go on display in Warwick

The BBC, Published on 6th July 2011

The hoard, which dates back to 190 BC, will be on display from Saturday as the museum in Market Square, Warwick.

“A Roman pot containing 1,146 silver denarii coins was found by a man using a metal detector in a field on Edge Hill in the county.”

Click the link below to read the full article:

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Celtic and Roman Books from Regton Ltd. Metal Detector Books:







Viking Treasure Found In Furness

Evening Mail. First published Thursday, 30th June 2011, Published by

A Viking hoard of 92 silver coins and artefacts has been found in Furness by an anonymous detectorist.

“The 92 silver coins and artefacts – among them ingots and one near-complete silver bracelet – were discovered and brought to the surface in May by a locally-based metal detectorist.”


Click the link below to watch a short video:

North West Evening Mail Home Viking treasure found in Furness

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Saxon and Viking Books for metal detecting finds and identification:








Rare silver button found

West Sussex County Times, Published on Thursday 23 June 2011


A RARE 16th century silver button was discovered in a field by metal detector user Anthony Gill in February this year.

“The button was sent to the British Museum for examination and experts there confirmed it had at least ten per cent precious metal which qualified it to be classed as treasure.”

Click the link to read the full articel

Badges and Buttons Books from Regton Ltd: 








Leeds Gatecrasher to re-open with Metal Detectors

BBC News Leeds & West Yorkshire, 22nd June 2011

A Leeds nightclub is being allowed to re-open on condition customers are searched with metal detectors if the police request it.

“At a hearing at Leeds Magistrates’ Court, Gatecrasher agreed that staff would use either hand-held metal detectors or “knife arches” to look for weapons at the “reasonable request” of West Yorkshire Police.”

Click the link to read the full Article:


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Detectorist from Lancashire finds Medieval badge

By Maev Kennedy, The Guardian, Monday 20th June 2011


Kennedy once again reports how Metal Detecting has added to British history. King, a member of the South Ribble metal detecting club, found a silver badge of one of St Ursula’s companions’ plaque at the end of April in a field some miles from his home in Walton-le-Dale


“A scrap of twisted silver found a few weeks ago by a metal detector in Lancashire will take its place among masterpieces of medieval art at the British Museum”

Click the link bellow to read the full article


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Medieval Books for metal detector finds and identification: 







Beach detecting gains a bigger fan base…

By A. Pawlowski, CNN, Wednesday 17th June 2011

Pawlowski, reporter for CNN, reports how through the Skyrocketing price of gold the hobby has gained a bigger fan base.

The article also discusses how detecting on beaches can become a very lucrative hobby.


“It’s probably one of the only pastimes that pays for itself.” Dan Berg, detectorist.


Click to follow the link to the full article:


Beach Metal Detecting: 







Metal Detecting ‘Helping to preserve Britain’s History’

By Jenny Hill, The BBC, Friday 3rd June 2011

This report talks about how metal detecting finds are helping us learn more about the UK’s history.


Metal detecting used to be seen as a slightly eccentric pastime but high-profile discoveries of long-lost treasure are giving it a new image.

The amateur archaeologists are gaining respect as they are credited with playing an increasingly important role in helping us learn about the UK’s past.”

Click the link to read the full article:

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Knife arches in London Schools

By Lee Husson, North London Newspaper, Wednesday 8th June 2011

Knife arches are to be installed in some Enfield secondary schools in a new police offensive on gangs and knife crime.


Chief superintendent Dave Tucker, the borough’s leading police officer, said “I have been to a number of knife arches at schools and I have never got the impression from students that trust has been damaged.


They have always been very open to being searched and it gives us the chance to talk to them about the issue. For us it’s all about keeping people safe.”

Click the link to read the full Article


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