Reading Tidal Rivers

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Reading Tidal Rivers by E. Fletcher. Soft back, 79 pages, Illustrated Colour, 14.8cm x 21cm.
Ted Fletcher has been writing books about our hobby for more than 30 years and he has always been fascinated by and fascinating about rivers, A valuable study. Ted Fletcher, one of Britain's most popular writers of how-to-do-it books for detector users, has combined brilliant colour photography with easy-to follow instructions that will guide every reader to spots on British and north European tidal rivers where more than 2000 years of human activity has left a wealth of fascinating losses and throwaways between the high and low water lines. The rivers around our coastline have frequently been flooded in recent years. Millions of gallons of rain water, combining with the effects of exceptionally high tides, have stripped many estuaries and tidal river banks of mud, sand and gravel to expose numerous coins and artefacts to the eyes and hands of experienced mud larks and detectorists who know where to hunt for them. Now, thanks to a book that is packed with detailed illustrations showing precisely what clues to look for on tidal rivers, any reader can become an expert on mud larking and riverside detecting.
- Angles in the river wall
- Riverside demolition sites
- Bridge Abutments
- Dolphins
- Riverside pubs
- Marker stones
- Sales on the foreshore
- Geography and Geology
- Historical research
- Search techniques
- Unproductive foreshores
- Nature works by weight
- Oyster shells
- Clay tobacco pipe stems
- Pottery and glass fragments
- Eyes only test
- Introduction
- Shape of the tide line
- Muddy locations
- Standing water on the foreshore
- Tributaries
- Old Timbers
- Think as a Stevedore
- Modern boat yards
- Jetties, causeways & landing stages
- Mooring posts
- Ferry sites
- Access points
- Shoots
- Embankments
- Camp shedding
- Draw Docks
See also:
- Reading Land by Edward Fletcher (Z21RL)
- Reading beaches by Edward Fletcher (Z22RB)
- All three copies of Reading Beaches, land and Tidal Rivers (Z27RALL)