Detectorist uncovered England’s western-most Roman town…

In 2010, two metal detectorists started to discover Roman coins in a series of fields a number of miles west of Exeter, nearly 100 Roman coins were initially uncovered.

By Louise Ord, Assistant Producer, Digging For Britain, BBC,  4th  August 2011.

“After the coins were unearthed by the local men out using metal detectors, Danielle Wootton, the University of Exeter’s liaison officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), which looks after antiquities found by the public, was tasked with investigating further.” Taken from the article

Click the link below to read the full article:


Published by  Danielle Wootton/ 360 Production, The Portable Antiquities Scheme, 4th August 2011

“This would not be unusual in other parts of Britain but it has always been thought that Roman influence never made it this far into Devon as there is little evidence of Romans in the South West Peninsula of Britain.” Taken from the article

Click the link below to read the full article:




By Daily Mail Reporter, Daily Mail online, 5th August 2011

“Ms Wootton added: ‘We are just at the beginning really, there’s so much to do and so much that we still don’t know about this site.

‘I’m hoping that we can turn this into a community excavation for everyone to be involved in, including the metal detectorists.'”

Click the link below to read the full article:

Treasure trove of ancient coins could prove Romans controlled more of UK than first thought | Mail Online.





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