The oldest, forged coins found by metal detector in Romania

Romanian treasure hunter finds what could be oldest counterfeit coins in history worth £120,000 – and he’s going to spend it on a new metal detector. A Romanian man who found what could be the oldest forged coins in history, while out treasure hunting with his son says, he will use his fortune to buy a new metal detector. Paul Croituru, 37, dug up the hoard of 300 forged silver coins worth nearly £120,000 – more than ten times what he earns a year as a council worker. But the father, who found the ancient Greek coins with the help of son Alexandru, 13, immediately told the authorities and will now lose nearly all of the money because of local treasure hunting rules. Even though they are forgeries of the 2,350-year-old Tetradrachm currency, experts say each 5mm penny is worth £400. Mr Paul Croituru used Garrett Ace metal detector. The whole range of Garrett Ace Metal Detectors is available in Regton Metal Detectors shop.

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forged coins detected in romaniaThe haul of 309 whole coins and 40 fragments is worth around £120,000, according to currency experts