The gold treasure was unearthed after the land owner decided prepare the ground to plant oil palm trees. After heavy rain last Saturday, the land owner and workers planting the trees came across a buried hoard of gold. The news spread and a gold rush followed with hundreds of people from nearby villages and even nearby provinces rushing to dig for a share of the treasure. Many treasure hunters emerged with gold sheets engraved with figures, coins and ornaments of different sizes — from one baht-weigh of gold to almost a kilogramme a piece. The treasure hunt continued until Wednesday night, and by then no one was finding any more gold, although the holes they dug were getting quite deep. Wi Tubsaeng, the land owner, said he has asked villagers to leave the area and will put up a sign prohibiting people from digging in there. This would allow officials from the Fine Arts Department to work in the area.
I think metal detecting is a hobby. Every person has their valuable things. Many time people losing their items. Then need a metal detector. when you lose your gold things, then you need a gold detector. the gold detector can find your losing gold items very easily. I have a gold ear ring, and I lose it. Then I start finding it with my detector and I find my ear ring.